Have any news or rumors about the Mac world? Has another disaster in some vital factory resulted in yet another price hike for RAM? Is Apple suing somebody again? Let others know what you know (or merely believe)! While the Low-End User will try to make sure that news is accurate, the Low-End User makes no guarantees as to the accuracy of the information provided here. News submissions should include some source, so that readers will be able to judge its credibility. Rumors should be labeled as such. The Low-End User does not assume responsibility for actions taken based on the information provided here.
Microsoft Online?
Rumor has it that Microsoft plans to enter the online service business. The service, known as Microsoft Network, was announced in November. The mere announcement sent shockwaves throughout the computer world (AOL stock prices dropped 9% in one day...). Microsoft has already gotten a fair amount of attention for its $1.5 billion dollar acquisition of Intuit (a major player in online personal finance) and many fear Microsoft will come to dominate the online world. The biggest fear is, of course, that Microsft will use its financial power and market potential (Microsoft Network software may well come bundled with or part of every copy of Windows 95) to destroy the competition. However, there are some points to keep in mind. First, rumor has it that Microsoft plans to link Microsft Network with Windows 95. Since Windows 95 is not yet a reality, this gives the other services some time to ready for the virtual turf wars. Second, rumor has it that Microsoft will be building a kind of "virtual mall" in which others would come in and rent "virtual floorspace." This might enable other companies to actually benefit from the power of Microsoft. Third, the Justice Department of the United States is keeping an eye on Microsoft to make sure no anti-trust rules are broken. As of yet, there is no detailed information regarding Mac access to Microsoft Network. As a side note, it is interesting that no one was particularly concerned when Apple started its own online service. -MCL
Newtons Newtons and Newtons!
1. The Newton 100 has been reduced in price to a measly $199 and you still get the $249's worth of junk if you buy before January.
2. The Newton 110 has been reduced in price slightly (CompUSA was ofering a $100 rebate! That brought the price to $499!!). And you get the $249's worth of junk if you buy before January.
3. The reason for 1 & 2: The Newton 120... Coming soon!! -DTC
Apple Elects Amelio and Lewis to Board of Directors
Apple has recently announced that Dr. Gilbert F. Amelio, president and CEO of National Semiconductor Corp., and Delano E. Lewis, president and CEO of National Public Radio, have been elected to its Board of Directors. Dr. Amelio, from the press release, sounds like a genius. He holds 16 patents and co-invented the industry's first charge-coupled image sensors (the thingy used in most consumer video cameras.)
Mr. Lewis sounds like a infrastucture type of guy. He worked for a few telcos.
"These two new members of our board will bring fresh perspectives
and new expertise to Apple and will make valuable contributions to the
future of Apple’s business in the technology and communications
industries," commented A.C. Markkula, Jr., Chairman of the Board of
"Taken as a whole, Apple’s Board of Directors now contains the
diversity of knowledge and experience that should serve it well,"
concluded Mr. Markkula. -Apple Press Release
Apple Building a Plant in CA
Apple has recently announced plans to expand its manufacturing operations in Elk Grove, CA (in Sacremento) with the addition of a 200,000 square-foot logic board manufacturing facility. It will create about 300 new jobs.
"We have been experiencing strong demand for our Macintosh
products," said Fred Forsyth, Apple's senior vice president,
Worldwide Operations. "Increasing our production capacity is part
of a phased approach to expand Apple's manufacturing operations to
meet that demand. We are pleased to bring circuit board
manufacturing technology to our Sacramento county site." -Apple Press Release
Apple's NEW IBM card
Remember the 610 IBM Compatible Card? Well, Apple is working with Reply corp to create a new one. Currently, it has version for the 6100 and 630s. This card will cost about $699 in first quarter of '95. The card will have a 486DX2/66 and more networking capabilities. SoundBlaster compatiblity will also be added. -DTC
Leaky Cells in PowerPlates
Technöggin, Inc. has one thing to say to it's users: STOP!!!!!! They have found that the cells used in its PowerPlate 3, 3x, 5x and Mini 3 may leak small amounts of sulfuric acid, casuing the batteries to overheat and possibly leak. While this is a common problem for battery manufacturers, it is especially common in the PowerPlate batteries. -DTC.
Copland '95 gets pre-emptive multitasking
With the threat of Windows 95, Apple has decided to add true pre-emptive multitasking capability to the Copland operating system due mid 95. Why? Because Taligent Inc.'s TalÆ (Tal Application Environment) and TalDE (Tal Development Environment) needs pre-emptive multitasking capbility and Windows 95 will offer that. Wouldn't it be just a little silly that an Apple founded company created software that would run on Windows first? Yep. -DTC
More AOL & Apple
What's this I see in InfoWorld?? Apple, AOL, and Mediore has formed a new company to offer interactive home shopping online and CD-ROM. The company is called 2Market, Inc. ARRGH!! These offerings willbe available on AOL and eWorld really soon. The CD-Roms will cost $4.95 a piece or $19.95 for a subscription. -DTC
Microsoft Acquisitions
Microsoft recently merged with Intuit (makers of Quicken) as well as NextBase(makers of Automap). Microsoft sold Microsoft Money to Novell. The Justice Department of the United States is currently investigating the merger.-MCL
Macromedia Freehand
Altsys Corporation will probably be acquired by Macromedia. The ultimate result is expected to be the distribution of MacromediaFreehandin 1995. -MCL
Apple Phases Out Two Powerbooks
Remember the release of the Duo 280 and the PowerBook 540 just a short time ago? Apple has just announced that it will be phasing both of these models out by late December. The 280c and 540c will continue to be produced. -MCL.
Apple's 110MHz PowerMac
The 8100/110 PowerMac sports a 110MHz clock speed, making it the fastest Mac available. The 8100/110 comes in only one configuration: 16MB of RAM, 2GB Hard Drive, a double speed CD-ROM, a 256K Cache card, and 2MB of VRAM. List price is $6379 (excluding keyboard and monitor). -MCL.
OpenDoc Gets a Boost
Adobe, IBM and Novell have joined the OpenDoc bandwagon. OpenDoc is a document centered system (in contrast with the current application centered system) that is expected to revolutionize the way computers are used. The Mac version of OpenDoc is expected in late 1995. -MCL.
SoftWindows for Quadras
Insignia Solutions has released a version of SoftWindows that is optimized for 68040 Macs. The software requires 16MB of RAM and 23MB of disk space. The software operates at a speed comparable to that of a 25MHz 386SX. It supports PC CD-ROMs, serial port emulation, printing and networks. It does not support enhanced mode Windows applications. -MCL.
PBS Online
PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) is providing its affiliates with a chance to join PBS Online. This is a national BBS composed of local stations linked by FirstClass servers. Individuals can logon to their local PBS BBS The service will be free and is expected to be available within a few months. -MCL.
Newer Technology's Power Pump
Newer Technology is offering a hardware acceleration package that supports the Quadra 700, 900, and 950 as well as the PowerPC 601 chip on the Apple upgrade card. The Controller card for the Power Pump fits into the NuBus slot that is partially blocked by the Apple upgrade card and the Clock Drive Card occupies the ROM socket. The hardware is controlled by a software control panel. The Pump boosts a 25MHz 68040 to 30MHz, a 33MHz 68040 to 33MHz, and a PowerPC 601 to 70MHz to 80MHz. The exact results will vary from computer to computer. The list price is expected to be $350. -MCL.
MacTools Pro 4.0
Central Point (now a subdivision of Symantec) has released version 4.0 of MacTools. This version includes enhanced help features, an improved Autocheck, the capacity to create a RAM Boot (a RAM disk for running a recovery disk), and includes both 680X0 and PowerMac code. Retail price is $149.95 and the upgrade from 3.0 is $49.95. -MCL.
New Portable Printer
Citizen America has released a 1 pound thermal fusion printer. It can print in B&W and color. It has a 360 dpi output. It sells for $429. A battery pack sells for $79 and a car Cigarette lighter adaptor sells for $59. Toner inch cartridges sell for $8.99 for two and print 30-40 pages each. Color Cartridges sell for $23.99 for 2 and get 4-7 copies each. -MCL.
Commercial Mosaic
The NCSA Mosaic application is still free, but enhanced versions have gone commercial. These versions include MCC's Mosaic NetScape Network Navigator. Spyglass has also released Enhanced NCSA Mosaic for Macintosh. -MCL.
Disability Support
Apple's eWorld has added a forum for people with disabilities. It is called "The Disability Connection." It includes a news service, a discussion center, and a means for people to find out about disability related companies and organizations. -MCL.
Apple/Daystar PowerMac Card
Apple and Daystar Digital have released a $600 PowerMac Card. Apple call's the card the Power Macintosh Upgrade Card for Entry-Level Macintosh and Daystar calls the card PowerCard 601. Aside from the name differences, the card are the sameThe card is for the Quadra, LC or Performa 630, the LC575, the Performa 570 series, the Quadra 605, LC 475, and the Performa 470 series. The card is designed to plug into the 68040 CPU socket (since the LC style PDS slots of the supported Macs/Performas are too slow). When in place, the card runs at twice the speed of the Mac's stadard 68040 speed. For example, a Quadra 605 will run at 50MHz as a PowerMac.If you buy your card from Apple, you will be required to have a dealer install it and you will receive a one-year warranty. If you buy from Daystar, you will receive instructions for uer instalation and a three year warranty. .-MCL.